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Rollup Case Study


A large private equity firm had begun to execute a roll up of aerospace finishing companies across the U.S.  The former owners of each smaller business took ongoing roles in the company, with some becoming members of the C-Suite.

Early in the process, executive leadership's vision, direction, and management systems/structure were disjointed with so many new "cooks in the kitchen". Additionally, the C-suite team was at odds with each other.  The likelihood of successfully adding more businesses to achieve critical mass was threatened.


- Carefully listened to all stakeholders in the process, making them a part of the solution.

- A unifying vision statement and top priorities were developed

- A standard set of metrics and meeting cadence were developed

- Communication systems for regular web meetings and conference calls were put into place

- Served in a couple interim general manager roles until new leaders within business units could be hired

- Successfully led the integration of one business unit


* The C-suite stayed intact, and even further, a new CEO and a new VP of Operations were recruited to take the team into the future, while the old CEO stepped into the lead sales/marketing role.

* Further acquisitions were successfully added to the portfolio, creating the world’s largest independent metal finishing company serving the aviation, defense, and space industries.

* The company was successfully sold to investor group